办公电话:027-88385007 电子邮箱:lzflower@zuel.edu.cn
博士:香港大学 英语教育
硕士:英国纽卡斯尔大学 应用语言学
本科:郑州大学 科技英语
李展,女,河南信阳人,现任美高梅MGM电子娱乐游戏副教授。先后发表学术论文二十余篇,出版专著2部,分别由Springer(施普林格出版社)和武汉大学出版社出版。主持北京外国语大学中国外语教材研究中心专项课题,中央高校基本科研业务经费项目和香港大学教育学院研究生科研项目,参与省部级和校级课题多项。2022~2023受国家留学基金委(CSC)资助访问英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield),与著名教材研究专家Prof. Nigel Harwood开展学术合作。2023年受邀担任国际应用语言学协会(AILA)外语教材使用研究分会副主席(ReN: Materials use in language classrooms)。多次受邀参加国内外顶级学术会议,担任多家SSCI、ESCI期刊审稿人。
TESOL Quarterly, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, Classroom Discourse, AERA Division K, AERA Division J等学术期刊审稿人
1. 2023年主持北京外国语大学中国外语教材研究中心专项课题“课程视阈下大学英语教材育人效果学生感知研究”(在研)
2. 2019年主持中央高校青年创新项目“打造金课背景下高校外语教材使用理论与实证研究”(结项)
3. 2019年主持北京外国语大学中国外语教材研究中心一般项目“专门用途英语教材开发中高校外语教师知识发展研究” (结项获优秀)
4. 2018年主持中南财经政法大学教学研究项目“基于需求分析理论的高校专门用途英语教材研究”(结项)
5. 2013,2014获得香港大学教育学院研究生科研项目资助
6. 2012年主持中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目“大学英语课堂学生合作学习的教学策略研究”
7. 2011年参与中国教育学会外语专业委员会课题“我国中小学英语课堂教学活动及互动模式研究”
1. 李展、许悦婷. 我国外语教育研究中的叙事方法:回顾、反思与展望[J].外语教育研究前沿, 2023, 6(4):64-72.(CSSCI)
2. Li, Z. & Xu, Y. (2021). Sustaining the effective use of materials in language classrooms: A conceptual understanding of teacher knowledge for materials use. Sustainability,13(14):8115. (SSCI)
3. Li, Z. (2021). Disentangling teachers’ enactment of materials: A case study of two language teachers in higher education in China. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 29(3), 449-468. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
4. Li, Z. & Li, H. (2021). Making materials use in language classrooms visible: Evidence from two university English teachers in China. Cogent Education, 8(1), 1870802. (ESCI & SCOPUS)
5. Li, Z. (2020). Keeping an eye on language teachers’ ‘on-the-spot’ use of materials in higher education in China. Folio, 2020(1), 12-18.
6. Li, Z. & Xu, Y. (2020). Unpacking the processes of materials use: A case study of language teachers’ enactment of textbooks in Higher Education in China. Sage Open. 1-13(SSCI)
7. 许悦婷,李展. 个案研究方法在外语教育中的使用情况评述:以近20年(1998-2018)发表的核心期刊论文为例[J]. 中国外语, 2020,17(3):103-111. (CSSCI)
8. Li, Z. and Harfitt, G. (2018). Understanding language teachers’ enactment of content through the use of centralized curriculum materials. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 46 (5), 461-477. (SSCI)
9. Li, Z. and Harfitt, G. J. (2017). An examination of language teachers’ enactment of curriculum materials in the context of a centralized curriculum. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 25 (3), 403-416. (ESCI, SCOPUS)
10. Li, Z. (2014). Participatory Relationship among Teachers, Learners and Curriculum Materials: A Case Study of Four Tertiary-Level Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers in Mainland China. Research Studies in Education (12).
11. 李展. 对大学英语改革的再思考[J]. 中南财经政法大学学报(增刊), 2008, (160).
12. 李展, 李道胜. 社会因素对语言的影响及社会语言学的应用[J].信阳农林学院学报, 2006, 16(4):79-82.
Li, Z. & Xu, Y. (2022). Textbook mediation of teaching: A case study of four language teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China. In LaScotte, D. K., Mathieu, C. & David, S. S. (Eds). New Perspectives on Material Mediation in Language Teaching and Learning. Springer.
1. Li, Z. (2024, August) An Analytical Tool for Representing Materials Use Episodes: Case Studies of Two University English Teachers in China [ReN Session]. AILA 2024 Annual Conference, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia.
2. Li, Z. (2021, April) Making Materials Use in Language Classrooms Visible: Evidence from Two University English Teachers in China [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Virtual Meeting.
3. Li, Z. & Wang, G. (2021, April) Exploring teachers’ professional agency: A narrative inquiry of a national award-winning language teacher in China [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Virtual Meeting.
4. Li, Z. & Xu, Y. (2020, April) Materials Mediated Teaching in Higher Education: Conceptualizing Teachers' and Learners' Use of Materials [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
5. Li, Z. (2019, December) Exploring Teachers’ Knowledge of Materials Use: A Case Study of Four Language Teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China [Paper Session]. AARE Annual Conference, Brisbane Australia.
6. Li, Z. (2019, April) Examining Language Teachers’ Enactment of Curriculum Materials to Uncover Teacher Knowledge in Materials Use [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto Canada.
7. Li, Z. (2019, March) Examining Language Teachers’ Enactment of Curriculum Materials to Uncover Teacher Knowledge in Materials Use [Paper Session]. AAAL Annual Conference, Atlanta.
8. Li, Z. (2018, June) Understanding Language Teachers’ Cognition in Materials Use: A Case Study of Four EFL Teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China [Paper Session]. MATSDA Annual Conference, Shanghai China.
9. Li, Z. (2018, April) Classroom-based Curriculum Development: A Perspective from Language Teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, New York.
10. Li, Z. (2018, March) Classroom-based Curriculum Development: A Perspective from Language Teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China [Poster Session]. AAAL Annual Conference, Chicago Illinoi.
11. Li, Z. (2018, March) Exploring Language Teachers’ Knowledge of Materials Use: A Case Study of Four EFL Teachers in Higher Education in Mainland China [Poster Session]. AAAL Annual Conference, Chicago Illinoi.
12. Li, Z. (2017, April) Teachers’ Enactment of Curriculum Materials in a Nationalized Curriculum Context [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
13. Li, Z. (2017, March) Exploring Language Teachers’ Enactment of Curriculum Materials in a Centralized Curriculum Context [Paper Session]. AAAL Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
14. Li, Z. (2016, June) Teachers’ Enactment of Curriculum Materials in the Context of Curriculum Reform: A Case Study of Four Chinese ELE (English Language Education) Teachers at Tertiary Level in Mainland China [Paper Session]. Materials Development Association (MATSDA) Annual Conference Liverpool, U.K.
15. Li, Z. (2015, April) The Participatory Relationship among Teachers, Learners, and Curriculum Materials: A Case Study of Four Tertiary-Level Chinese EFL Teachers in Mainland China [Poster Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinoi.
1. 2021年10月受邀参加2021中国英语教学研讨会(CELEA2021)外语教材中的文化呈现与教材使用中教师认知研究专题研讨
2. 2019年参加2019中国英语教学研讨会(CELEA2019)并宣读论文
1. Li, Z. (2020). Language teachers at work: Linking materials with classroom teaching. Springer.
2. 李展,教师、学生与课程材料的参与关系研究[M]. 武汉大学出版社, 2018.
1. 《商务英语教程》(主编),武汉大学出版社(电子教材)(待出版)
2. 《新标准高职商务英语系列教材:综合教程3学生用书》(参编),上海外语教育出版社,2014年3月